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What is data grid in outsystems?

Data Grid in OutSystems is a versatile and powerful component within the OutSystems low-code development platform. It’s designed to simplify and enhance the way developers build web and mobile applications by providing a structured, efficient, and customizable way to display and manipulate data.

Here’s an overview of OutSystems Data Grid:

Data Presentation: OutSystems Data Grid allows developers to present data in a tabular format, making it easy to showcase lists, tables, and grids of information. It’s commonly used for displaying records from databases, application data, or external sources.

Customization: Developers can customize the appearance and behavior of the grid to meet specific application requirements. This includes defining column types, layouts, sorting options, and filtering capabilities.

Integration: OutSystems Data Grid seamlessly integrates with other OutSystems components and widgets, enabling the incorporation of complex functionality like forms, charts, and charts within the grid. It can also connect to external data sources through web services or API integration.

Responsive Design: The Data Grid is responsive, adapting to different screen sizes and devices. This ensures that the user experience remains consistent and user-friendly on both desktop and mobile devices.

Performance: The Data Grid is optimized for performance, with features like lazy loading and asynchronous data fetching to minimize page load times. It can also leverage in-memory caching for rapid data retrieval.

User Interaction: Developers can add interactive elements, such as checkboxes, buttons, and custom actions, to enhance user interaction and make it easier to perform tasks directly from the grid.

Pagination and Scrolling: OutSystems Data Grid offers built-in pagination and scrolling options, enabling efficient navigation through large datasets without overwhelming users.

Data Export: It supports data export to various formats (e.g., Excel, CSV) and printing for reporting purposes.

Security: The platform incorporates security measures to ensure that sensitive data is protected and that access is controlled through user authentication and authorization.

OutSystems Data Grid simplifies the development process, allowing developers to create robust and interactive data-driven applications rapidly. It’s particularly valuable in scenarios where data visualization and management are essential, such as customer relationship management (CRM) systems, project management tools, and data analytics applications. By providing a user-friendly interface for handling data, OutSystems Data Grid empowers organizations to deliver feature-rich applications quickly and efficiently.

How to install Outsystems Data Grid?

This is first tutorial of outsystems where i am going to show you how we can
install data grid from forge and how we can use that in our project.

1)Go to the browser.
2)Type Outsystems Forge or From service center you can also go to the outsystems forge.





3)Type Outsystems Datagrid.




4)Click on “Outsystems Data Grid”.




5)In right corner you can see button “Install” or “Login to Install”.




6)If you not loged in first log in into outsystems and install the datagrid into the service studio.
7)After click on install you can see that forg component in your “Service Studio”.




8)After that open your module where you want to use that component and click on “Manage Dependencies”.

9)Then search “Outsystems Datagrid”.




10)Select all the dependencies or you can choose according to your need. We can also select one or two according to our use.





11)Click on Apply button.


So in this post i show you how we can Install Oustsyems Data Grid and how we can install in our systems step by step.

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